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Navigating the End-Consumer Dashboard

The End-Consumer Dashboard on the Granular Energy platform provides you with comprehensive insights into your energy consumption, matched generation data, and generated PDF reports from your energy supplier. 

Getting Started: Account Creation

When your energy supplier connects you with the Granular Energy platform, you will receive an invitation via email to create an account. Accept the invitation to establish your account and affiliate it with your organisation.

Understanding the Dashboard

General Overview

The dashboard is your hub for exploring consumption-related data provided by your energy supplier. You can tailor the displayed data by adjusting the date period and time definition.

  • Changing the date period
    • Click on "Dates" or the "Filter" icon to amend the data range to reflect a specific timeframe. This filter enables you to select one or multiple months.
  • Altering the time definition:
    • The top of the dashboard hosts options for switching between "hourly," "daily," and "monthly" views. While retaining your selected reference period, this change will redefine how the data is displayed.

For situations where multiple consumption groups are linked to a single end-consumer, you have the capability to choose a different sub-group for a more focused analysis.

Key Metrics

The primary section of the dashboard displays your consumption and matching generation data.

By switching the time definitions, you can see how the matching of production and consumption changes based on the granularity of the time definition. Less fine-grained time definitions (e.g. monthly) typically have higher matching levels than more fine-grained time definitions (e.g. hourly).

  • Consumption Total: the entire volume of energy consumed within the date range.
  • Matching Generation: the quantity of green energy paired with your consumption, including the total amount, and percentage matched:
    • Energy: the total amount of matched energy
    • Percentage matched: the percentage of matched energy from the total consumption (matched energy/total consumption) based on the selected time definition
  • Unmatched Consumption: the residual energy volume not matched by tracked carbon-free energy

The system converts your consumption data into equivalent carbon emissions (measured in tons of CO2). Two methods exist for this calculation, explained in more detail here:

  1. Location-based Emissions: Relies on the average emissions intensity of the local grid where consumption took place.
  2. Market-based Emissions: Considers contractual instruments (EACs, RECs, GOs etc.) used by a consumer. Renewable energy has a 0 emissions factor (EF)

The difference between the two methods illuminates the influence of a proactive approach to renewable energy supply.

Key Visualisations

You can manipulate the visual data representation in the dashboard in three ways:

  1. Breakdown by specific technology (solar, wind, hydro etc.).
  2. Breakdown by specific production devices.
  3. By focusing on a particular period within the reference period via the zoom feature. This is done by selecting an area on the graph (click+drag). Click the “Reset zoom” icon to return to the normal reference period view.

There are two primary graphical representations:

  • Matching over time: This graph illustrates total consumption, matched production, and residual unmatched energy.
  • Hourly averages: This visualisation displays average hourly matching over the selected period.

Lastly, a map at the bottom of the dashboard highlights the location of your matched production devices, helping you understand the origins of your green electricity.

Accessing Reports

In the "Reports" section, you can find and download the matching reports provided by your supplier at the end of each period. To download, simply click on the icon located next to the table.